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Substance abuse and family problems

Family is important and helps a person in thick and thin, happy and sadness. Family members are people who love unconditionally and support each other in every endeavor, no matter if it is positive or negative. But sometimes a lack of support may cause several problems including substance abuse. It's not a coincidence that drug use and family problems often go hand in hand. Emotions often play a key role to both.

People who have experimented drugs and alcohol during their teenage are likely to get addicted of substance abuse and family problems. There are those who feel pressured at home to make more money or work harder to get a promotion. They turn to cocaine stating it makes them more productive. Others prefer alcohol as a means to forget about their problems at home.

Access use of drugs may spoil life completely. In almost 89% of domestic abuse cases reported in 2008, the abuser was impaired by either drugs or alcohol at the time of the abuse. It's been studied that children of parents who abused drugs and alcohol are likely to do so themselves. Also children of divorce are more likely to have a substance abuse problem. Therefore, chances of a child of parents who divorced and may develop substance abuse problems are quite easily.

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