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Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Our Health

Excessive consumption of any sedative drink is bad for health. Some of the bad effects of alcohol consumption are:

* Loss of control over tongue and body
* Weariness
* Memory loss
* Weakening of eye muscles
* Paralysis (in severe cases it lead to coma as well)
* Gaestro Intestinal problems like inflammation of stomach
* Inflammation of liver
If the excessive alcohol is taken for longer duration, then hepatitis can lead to progressive scarring and obliteration of liver tissue.
Beside this if, one is taking alcohol during the pregnancy then it can lead to severe fetal alcoholic drink syndrome. Here the child is born with defects and has some abnormalities. This includes small head, short eyelids, heart defects, and other abnormalities. The research also displays that regular alcohol drink abuse places an individual at higher risk of diseases like cancer, larynx, colon, oesophagus.

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