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Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol intake is bad for health and it’s prolong intake can cause serious repercussion on an indidviual. Some of the serious effects of alcohol consumption are:

* Loss of muscle control, impaired judgment, poor coordination, are some of the symptoms that can lead to serious accidents.
* Reduced Inhibitions means that alcoholics are likely to engage themselves in activities they would otherwise never participate in. Some of them are continued drinking, illegal drug use, driving when being drunk, engage into sexual activity.
* Frequent memory loss or blackout, which can in turn lead to depression
* Nausea and vomiting can be caused by the excessive alcohol consumption.
* Hangover and severe headache can occur due to dehydration of alcohol consumption.
* Sometimes it can result in life threatening conditions like coma, respiratory paralysis attack and death.
* In severe cases it can result in blood alcohol concentration.

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2 Responses to "Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse"

mjscottlanyard (visit their site)

Thank you for the post. Hope you will post an article about on how to treat alcoholism.

adolescent alcohol treatment

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