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How Alcohol Destroys your muscle gains

Excessive intake of alcohol affects our body and us completely. Many of us know that we it affects our liver, brain, our relationships, etc. Only few of us know that it destroys our muscle gain as well.

Firstly it harmfully affects protein synthesis. Our muscles are made protein and excessive alcohol consumption reduces the speed of protein synthesis by 20%.
Secondly it reduces testosterone levels and boost estrogen. For those who don’t know testosterone is an important muscle building hormone and they help in gaining muscles. Hence, when we drink alcohol our muscle gain reduces completely.
Thirdly, it causes dehydration in the body as liver requires large amount of water to break down alcohol. Muscles alone consist of 70% water and hence our body is severely affected.

Forth, when we take alcohol, the body becomes deficient of vitamins and minerals. Rapidly, important vitamins like A, B, C and phosphorus are flushed out from our body and complete process of muscle growth and maintenance is affected.
Fifthly, it increases the fat storage in the body and disrupts the Kreb’s cycle.

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